Rezum Treatment Updates
Recent studies on Rezum therapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) have provided valuable insights into its efficacy, safety, and long-term outcomes. A systematic review and meta-analysis highlighted significant improvements in urinary symptoms and quality of life in patients treated with Rezum. This analysis included a total of 1015 patients across several countries, demonstrating consistent benefits in terms of reduced International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), improved quality of life (Qol), and increased maximum urine flow rate (Qmax) up to one year post-treatment. The therapy’s impact on post-void residual (PVR) volume was also notable, with a significant decrease observed, suggesting a reduction in urinary retention risk. However, the therapy’s effect on erectile and ejaculatory functions was neutral, indicating that it does not significantly impair sexual function.
Further real-world studies confirm these findings, showing that Rezum therapy not only improves lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and quality of life irrespective of prostate volume but also maintains these improvements over a four-year period. Importantly, the therapy has been found effective across a wide range of prostate sizes, with no significant differences in postoperative adverse events or regret scores among different patient cohorts. Postoperative complications were within expected ranges and included urinary tract infections, need for surgical reoperation, and temporary symptoms such as dysuria and urinary retention. The study emphasizes the durability of symptom relief and functional outcomes, including preserved sexual function, over a long term.

These findings underscore Rezum therapy’s role as a valuable treatment option for men with BPH, offering sustained symptom relief and a favorable safety profile. Patients considering Rezum therapy, especially those with larger prostate volumes, should be informed about the potential for ongoing BPH medication use post-treatment, although the need for such medication may decrease over time for many patients.
For more detailed insights, the original articles from BMC Urology and Urology Times provide comprehensive analyses of Rezum therapy’s outcomes, highlighting its effectiveness and safety for treating BPH symptoms.